Time provides perspective

 Ammon and I are finally settled into life in northern Utah. We LOVE it here. We recently visited St. George and I asked Ammon if he missed St. George. I was pleasantly surprised by his answer... because it was the exact way i felt towards our previous home too. 

Ammon misses the flexibility of his old job.. golfing once a week, going in whenever he wanted, leaving whenever he wanted, and taking days off when he needed to. It was great. But he doesn't miss his actual job.. just the perks that came along with it. He misses our ward... we truly had the best ward ever. And of course, he missed our friends. Oh! And how could I forget.. he missed our house. (still a sensitive subject) 

The sad, and yet not-so-sad reality is, there aren't too many things that we reallyyyyy miss about st. george. We stay in touch with friends and family there, we visit occasionally, but overall... we can easily see why this sudden and unexpected move to Lehi was just what the Lord had planned for us. last December when this big change came into our life if you would have told me that I would feel this way .. I wouln't have believed you. But isn't that what is so great about following our Heavenly Father's council? While things are terrifying, scary, intimidating, and down right crazy... over time we see just why we were guided to do those things. I love that! Time nearly always gives perspective. 

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